Tuesday 27 September 2011

Frozen Rose Water - Güllü Dondurma

We have seen Rose Water slushies, Rose Water Bicibici and now Rose Water Ice.  There is a man here that makes Rose water like this and it is a real treat, if you have an icecream maker at home you can make this very quickly and serve as a sorbet replacement at any dinner party.

If you dont have an icecream maker you can see this man has butchered a large water cooler and placed an aluminum container in it to make his icecream.  

This has a softer texture and is much nicer than the slushy.


  1. This is something I would love to try. Does he make his own syrup or use the concentrated one that's like cordial?

  2. I also want to try this frozen rose water because it is totally new things for me that's why wants to try something new.

  3. Hello Simcha

    I am Erika from TravelerVoice, a new social network for travel bloggers.

    I just found your blog and I really like how you described your stories in Turkey with beautiful pictures and assertive comments! It's exactly the kind of writing we are looking for our Food section, so please feel free to register :)

    I am looking forward to hearing from you :)



  4. Thankyou very much Erika, I will be looking at your page.
